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Fire & Hammer Ministry Training College

Our Founders

Chief Apostle Lessie Collier

Anointed Apostle and Prophetess, Cherished Mother in Zion, celebrated author, and co-founder of Fire & Hammer International Training Center, Chief Apostle Lessie Collier co-labors with her husband to equip and firmly establish ministry leaders in their kingdom call. 

Chief Apostle Emory Collier III

Gifted in the revelatory gifts, anointed teacher, and Bible scholar, Chief Apostle Emory Collier III is a giant in the Kingdom. He is a leader in his community with signs and wonders following. Chief Apostle Emory fathers, fathers and mentors many in their kingdom assignments to the fulfillment of their unique call and purpose. 

Fire & Hammer International Training Center

Globally known as F&HITC, for over 30 years ,Fire and Hammer International Training Center has been, and still is, the primary vehicle for the teaching and training of men and women in the five-fold ministry.


Fathering believers and equipping ministry gifts to develop strong disciples of Christ. 

Real tools for real spiritual growth. 


"..those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil." Hebrews 5:14 KJV

At F&HMTC students are provided a biblically sound environment to exercise their spiritual gifts.

Text material

Supplementary readings from renown Bible authors are coupled with biblical studies. The primary text material is the Bible which is the Word of God. Students will learn how to search Scripture and how to, "study to show themselves approved unto God, workmen that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth", 2 Timothy 2:15.

Assessments - Exams

Students are challenged in their study of Scripture with assessments and exams which support biblical truth and strengthen retention and memorization of God's Word.

Certification and Degree Programs

Certificate and Degree Programs are available .

Exercised to Discern!

But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Hebrews 5:14 KJV

FHMTC facilitates the transformation of Believers to Disciples by teaching the importance of exercising to discern. This equipping is done through activation.
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Equipping Strong Disciples for Christ... VIRTUALLY!

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Make a commitment to your spiritual growth!

Grow from believer to a strong disciple of Jesus Christ. Come, access your Kingdom authority and purpose as you exercise your spiritual gifts. 


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